Claiming a refund
Go to the website of the company you made your booking with and click on the icon as shown to apply for a refund.
Once you have clicked on the icon, the EOS Claims Refund Claim Form will appear. There are a number of fields you have to complete in the first box of the Form.
The Claim Reason in the second box has dropdown options. These identify the only Claim Reasons for which you can make a refund application. Once you select a Claim Reason, an explanation of that reason will be shown under “Defined As”.
The documents required for you to submit will also be shown.
This documentation has to be submitted to EOS Claims who will then consider and process your refund application.
The Incident Date is also a field you have to complete in the second box.
You must notify your application within the time period specified at the point of purchase of the Incident which results in your refund application.
The third box also has fields you have to complete. Please note that the cost of your Refund Scheme purchase maybe reimbursed depending on the insurance program.
When you complete the number of tickets, only include the number for which the refund application is being made. For example, if you purchased four tickets and you are claiming for only two tickets, then that is the number that should be included on the Refund Claim Form.
You must always send any unused hard copy ticket(s), a scan of your
e-ticket(s), or any wristband(s), etc. to the address shown at the
bottom of the Refund Claim Form.
If you planned to pick-up your tickets at the Box Office or elsewhere
and do not have them available, please state that in the freeform box
you can complete. We also accept a scan copy of any tickets, but the
refund will only be made to the original Ticket holder.
For hotel refunds you have to send your booking confirmation form.
Only include the room(s) for which the refund application is being made.
For example, if you booked two rooms and you are claiming for only one,
then that is the number that should be included on the Refund Claim
Form. Once you complete all the fields, your total claim amount will
automatically be calculated on the Refund Claim Form.
For purchase currency, please use the dropdown box.
A refund payment can only be made in the original purchase currency.
To consider and process your refund claim, EOS Claims has to receive either by e-mail or in hard copy the documents that have been identified in the Refund Claim Form you complete. These are identified once you click on “Claim Reason”.
You can tick the box to confirm that you will be sending your supporting documents later and after initially submitting the Refund Claim Form.
These documents must be received by EOS Claims within 14 days following the date of the acknowledgement e-mail you receive after you submit your Refund Claim Form.
If this is the case, please click the box in the Refund Claim Form that you were unable to notify the claim and then add additional comments explaining the reasons why.
If you have the documents when you come to submit the Refund Claim Form, then these can be scanned and attached to the Form.
Remember: you have to complete the declaration at the end of the Refund Claim Form. To submit your claim click on the box.
You will receive an e-mail from EOS Claims confirming your Refund Claim Form has been received.
This starts the countdown for you to submit the required documents if you have not already sent them. The time period will vary depending on your insurance program.
The first e-mail you receive from EOS Claims will include your Unique Reference Number which you must use on any correspondence sent to EOS Claims.
You will receive a second e-mail from EOS Claims identifying the person who will be handling your refund claim and a calculation of your claim.
This e-mail will also include a reconfirmation of the documents that are required for your relevant Claim Reason if you have not already sent them.
If you have not sent your supporting documents, then two reminder e-mails will be sent to you within specified time period confirming the documentation you have to send and the day expiry date of the claim.
Once EOS Claims have all the documents, your refund application can be considered.
If your claim is approved, you will receive an e-mail confirming the amount and that payment will be made to you within 10 working days.
The e-mail will also provide a link to a Payment Instruction Form. This will require your completion and return to An e-mail will then be sent to you confirming successful receipt of the Form.
Once payment has been made, a further e-mail will be sent to you.
If EOS Claims are unable to approve a refund to you, you will receive a detailed e-mail explaining the reason(s).
If you need to contact EOS Claims, you will find a Customer Contact Form on the website where you made your original purchase. Alternatively, the Customer Contact Form is available on our Contact Us page. There are a number of fields on this form you need to complete.
General questions
Unfortunately not as we do not hold your credit card details.
Once you have completed and submitted the banking details for your claim, an e-mail will be sent to you confirming we have received the document.
A further e-mail will then be issued once the payment has been made.
No, but you can if you wish.
We endeavour to action your claim within 72 hours if the documentation you have sent is fully complete. If there is any additional documentation required, we shall advise you by e-mail.
If your refund request is for an event in the future, then yes, they will be returned.
Please see the Contact Form which should be on the website of the company from whom you made the original purchase, or you can complete the Customer Contact Form available on our Contact Us page.
Yes, EOS Claims is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (number: ZA005969) under the Data Protection Act (1998) which regulates the handling of confidential information. The use of your personal information by us will be in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. Please see our Privacy Notice on our website for full details.
Our online systems and website are protected by a SSL Thawte Certificate providing robust authentication and encryption. This ensures all data, banking or otherwise, is fully secure.